Friday, April 10, 2009

Still Running

I am still training for The Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I just haven't taken the time to blog diligently.

This season is tough for me. There have been a ton of changes and the big team is hard to get to know. I do like the intimacy of the small team. There is a lack of closeness that is noticeable to me. There is also more room for personality conflicts which has been tough for me to deal with.

I am getting faster! Woo. I have been doing Yasso 880's on Sundays and Tuesdays and it is making a difference - finally.

Spring is finally showing up. I can run in less layers, and the daylight hours are longer. In another week or so, it should be light enough in the early mornings that I can start morning running again. I really don't like running at night. Running first thing sets the tone for the day. When I run at night, it looms before me all day and feels more like a chore than something I enjoy.

And I do enjoy running. Maybe not the first mile, but once I am done with that, then I get in my groove and I feel like I can go forever.

So yes, I am still here, still running.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Season

We had our first group run today. What a huge group! It is so fantastic. I love it. There is a certain intimacy when the group is really small, that I might miss. But I think that being involved in such a huge diverse group is going to be a wonderful change. We had a short short run today followed by a breakfast. I had so much fun and spent most of breakfast laughing.

I am feeling the run in my quads tonite. They are hinting at having had to run today. What a lovely lovely feeling. I think I will train at least until the 15 mile point with the full marathon group, then scale back. It feels very strange to be training for a half marathon. It is going to be difficult to train for a half marathon and not work toward another full. I am already at war inside my head over it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Season Begins

Sunday night was a get together for Team In Training Alum. It was great fun. Saturday is the official kick off for the summer marathon season. I will run the first ever Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I feel like I am cheating by running only the half. Sort of like I am being a total slacker.

My Dr. says NO MORE full marathons for at least a year. So, half it is. Because of my illness the recovery is a little tougher with the healing of my feet.

We did find out at our meeting that the London Marathon is on the books for our area in 2010. Wouldn't that be something.

I have run only a couple times since WDW. I hate to admit it, but I am having a Lupus flare, so running is extra painful in my feet and hands in this cold weather. It won't stop me, but it does slow me down.

The best part about this season is I have no fundraising requirement. Such a relief.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Race Report

I quickly settled in to being back home. Although I am still a little jet lagged. We are socked in with fog. They keep saying sunshine, but I have yet to see the sun. The thick fog makes me feel rather claustrophobic.

The marathon was tough and I was not ready for it. Not after the lack of running due to weather and the devil flu that hit me. Also, running all over Disney World for 2 solid days prior to the marathon didnt' help either. My body was more than fatigued. I am glad I ran it. I will run another. For now though, I will train and do a half marathon in June - The Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon on the 28th. I am ready to run again. However my toes are not ready to run again. I am going to lose 3 toenails. I need to check in to swimming for the next month. I will also get some Bikram Yoga in this month.

The first half of the race was great. It was so fun and exciting. Disney did it up big through the theme parks and for the start. The 2nd half was brutal. It was on Interstae 4 in the blazing sun, no characters, no mile sponsors and very few specators. It was a huge mental challenge from about mile 14 through mile 22. I was ill from just before mile 19 to mile 22. I finally managed to shake it and get moving at a quicker pace when I hit the less than 5 miles to go point. I was disapointed in the marathon. I expected more, based on what I have heard about the marathon. I thought it would be bigger, better, more exciting. I think I was spoiled by running the Nike Women's Marathon for a first marathon. I am glad I ran, I love my Mickey Mouse Finisher's medal. I have no desire to run Disneyworld again, and quite frankly I don't have any desire to visit WDW again. I prefer Disneyland. It is so much better.

I finally worked on some of the pictures - the official race pictures were posted this week.

Waiting for the bus to take us to the start line at 2:30 AM.
My training partner, me, our coach, his wife:

Me at the starting line:

Runing through Cinderella's Castle:

Character Shot:

My team mates and I pretending to be all buff and stuff:

Coming across the finish line:

Much Deserved after race beer with my training partner:

My team at the Victory Party:

I waited in line for this, because Eyeore is my very most favorite of all: