Sunday, December 9, 2007

Marathon in the future!

I have picked another marathon to train for. I have decided that my life needs that long term highly focused goal. I have my first TNT meeting this coming week. I am going to sign up and train for the Mayor's Midnight Marathon which is in Anchorage Alaska on June 21, 2008. It has been really hard for me to find the motivation to run. I filled out all the paperwork to be a TNT mentor for the summer TNT session.

I flounder without that focus. Last week I only ran twice. I also biked. My toes are bothering me again and one appears infected under the blackened toenail.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Still searching...

Friday after Thanksgiving I got up early and headed to the old training trail. The morning was icy cold, clear, still. The park was pretty empty. It felt fantastic to run the trail in the crisp morning air. I felt like I was visiting an old dear friend. There were a fair number of runners out on the trail. I got about 6.5 miles in. It was really nice to be running on ground instead of the treadmill. I think back on on the miles I was running each week, and it feels like it was all a dream. I am running about 1/3 of that now. I am worried I will lose some of my gained strength and stamina. I am not big on running in the pouring rain, which is what our winters are made of. But I also came to the conclusion on Friday when out, that I really miss and need those outdoor longer runs. They keep me feeling centered and restore the peace in my soul.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Running and Burnout

It has been one month since the marathon. I am a little disappointed in our team. We were supposed to have a victory party locally and it never happened. Now with the rush of the holiday season it seems that it will probably never occur. I would have loved to get together one final time to put closure on this big adventure.

I have been feeling a bit let down, and running has been sporadic. My heart and soul haven't been in it lately. I have been running - making myself run at least 3 times a week, but the joy has been absent. I feel great after, but it is a bit different. I am sure it is burnout.

I have added a little bit of cross training to see if that helps. I have been biking, rowing, and yesterday was so gorgeous I walked outside for a little over an hour.

Friday I am going to see if I can get a decent long run in on the Inter Urban trail while my son has his final drive for driver's ed. That will give me an hour to run outside in the cold sun. I am looking forward to it.

I feel like I am floundering a bit without a huge specific goal in front of me, and with no set training schedule or group to keep me motivated. I have not always been so good at the self motivation thing.

I signed up for our local Jingle Bell Run on Dec. 7. It is a 4 mile quick run. I am hoping that will put the joy back in my steps.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Running Again

I am running again. I feel kind of blah and am experiencing a little bit of procrastination. I ran 3 days this week for a total of 15 miles. I also swam one day and rode a bike the other day. I am not experiencing any muscle fatigue or soreness. I am mentally not feeling the love for running or exercising in general. I am sure it is because I don't have a long term goal to be hyper focused on - like the marathon. I did sign up for the local Jingle Bell Fun Run. I need to have some things to look forward to participating in to keep me going. I don't want to take a bunch of time off. I like how physically fit I am right now, and I don't want to lose any of that.

I am though looking forward to having a weekend at home with absolutely no plans and no commitments. It is the first weeken since May that I am not committed to a long run and/or other obligations getting me up and out the door at 6:30 AM. It is very exciting.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Letdown time

Last week I got a tiny bit of running in. I am losing a couple toenails, so running was painful. They are feeling better today. I did do some biking and rowing to keep moving. I find that if I am not exercising I get cranky and restless. This is such a change from last year at this time when my health had really deteriorated and I felt so crummy all the time. I can't believe how fantastic I feel every single day.

It was very odd to not meet at the park or the farmer's market to run yesterday. I felt a little sad. I miss it already.

I have started a new endeavor which has me very excited. I am taking part in a leadership conference funded by The ARC. It centers around learning how to navigate the medical, educational and political systems with regard to families that have members with disabilities be they developmental or physical or a combination of the two. I began this on Friday and had an all day training yesterday. The information is overwhelming and there is so much to take in, but I am very excited. If I can effectively lobby for changes in our system to get help and assistance for children and adults that are similar to my child it will be fantastic. There are some incredible people in the training with me, whose days are far more difficult than mine. I have incredible admiration for them already.

I do hope to begin training for another marathon soon. I am very antsy to begin a full running schedule again. My body is craving it and my mind is craving it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

All said and done - for now

I can't believe the marathon has come and gone. Going to San Fransisco felt very surreal. The flight to was smooth and without a hitch. I had a fantastic time in San Fransisco and utilized the little bits of free time to the fullest. We shopped a little - which is not like me. I hate shopping. But it was pretty fun. We ate very good food and just generally had a great time seeing the city.

Race day came quickly. I had a migraine Saturday night and woke with it Sunday morning. It went away during the marathon.

We were up bright and early Sunday morning. There was quite a bit of hurry up and wait for the race to start. The race was 23,0000 people strong. Only 1% of the participants were men. I didn't cross the starting line until after 7:30. The official start for the elite runners was 7:00 AM.

The race itself was incredible! The weather was perfect, the course is just gorgeous. This marathon is very walker friendly. There were participants stopping at Golden Gate Park taking pictures. I found this very amusing. There were people in groups chatting up a storm, walking as if it were a leisurely stroll.

I paced myself well, and worked at not starting out too fast and strong so I didn't defeat early in the race. I ran solid for the first 6 miles. Mile 6 was a mile long climb up past Golden Gate Park. I picked up and ran again solid until I got to the half way mark. I walked through all the water and food stations and the 3 big hills. I also walked miles 18 and 19. Once I got to mile 20 I picked it up again and ran the remainder of the course.

The course has a couple of killer hill climbs and there were a couple of daunting spots. They split the course at the 12 mile point in to half and full. It was a little tough to see the half marathoners heading toward completion. The other spot is a drop over Lake Merced in which you can see a huge part of the course. It feels rather intimidating. But there wasn't a point in the course when I felt I couldn't finish.

I was sore and stiff after, suffered a very bloody toe from a rubbed blister, but other than that I am still on the marathon high and looking forward to training for the next.

After the marathon, I was able to stand in the cold ocean to cool my legs down. I went swimming this morning and it felt very good to work slowly on my body.

My body has recovered quickly and I am antsy to start running again. I am not sore at all today and plan on running tomorrow during my lunch hour.

This marathon was just the beginning. Now I can start working on my pace and see if I can shave some time. I have the endurance and strength and I know my eating plan works well and fuels me just as needed for both a long run and for recovery.

Here are some pictures taken before, during and after the event.

My team that I trained with, minus our coach. We missed him terribly.

Carb loading the night before. I have used a protein heavy diet in training, so the carb loading was not good for me. I scrounged up protien later on that night to load up on:

Waiting to go to the starting area:

Walking through a water station:

Celebrating after with dancing:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The day fast approaches!

I can't believe that tomorrow morning I head to San Francisco for my very first marathon. I don't know if my body is ready, but it is time to go. I got clearance from the neurologist today to continue running and that running the marathon shouldn't pose any problems. I just need to listen to my body and slow down if I develop a headache that starts in the back of my head.

I had my very last short run today in preparation for Sunday. It feels sureal at this point. I have my running gear and all my stuff packed in my carry on. I got all the paperwork together, wristlets completed, etc.

I am super excited and filled with butterflies of anticipation. I have had such amazing support from my family and friends. They have really given me encouragement when I needed it most.

I am as ready as I'll ever be.

Thank you everyone.

Monday, October 8, 2007

So Far Behind

I know I know, I am so far behind in updating. I had a bit of a weird setback and had to stop running for 5 days. I missed a critical long run in there too. I suffered a migraine that I couldn't shake. It lasted almost 9 full days. I went to the Dr. about half way in to the thing and she gave me pain meds which didn't get rid of the pain. Instead they gave me the shakes and bad dreams. I am prone to migraines and headaches and I can't remember a period in my life without them. I rarely talk about them or tell anyone I have a headache. I get about 3-5 a week. I just have learned to live through them. It is part of life. Well this last one just didn't end and it was bad enough I had blurred vision, slurred speech and a numb kind of slack face. I had an MRI, which went very well, and I actually kind of liked being all closed off in that machine. It was very space age Dr. Who-ish. The results show that I have a birth defect. How weird is that? I have something called Chiari Malformation. The back of my skull is short and hence a small portion of brain matter extends beyond the skull line. The Dr. thinks that the slow increase in intensity of running put pressure on my spine and the fact that I am a little low on spinal fluid is probably what triggered the migraine. I of course kept running the first 3 days of my migraine, thinking that would get rid of it. This does explain my lifelong headaches which start at the back of my head and typically take over one side.

I got the green light to go back to running and can run the full marathon as long as I am not experiencing a migraine. So, last week I started running again on Wednesday lightly and I did a long run on Saturday all by my lonesome. I completed 16 miles. I saw maybe 5 other people out on the trails that day. It was eerily quiet. The summer had been packed with runners, bikers, etc. But this past Sunday was Bellingham's first marathon, so everyone was in rest mode in prep for Sunday. It was a little spooky running that dark trail in the wee hours of the morning. It was a good run and I felt strong. I am however worried about my ability to complete the Nike Marathon. It is just 2 weeks away and suddenly I feel very ill-prepared. My coach and mentor say I will do just fine. I have had some really good long runs in without much trouble. They assure me that I am strong enough and have the right kind of determination to complete 26.2 miles. I however, don't feel that confidence right now.

Yesterday I did my tiny 3 miler and I will get some good mid week runs in. I just can't believe the time is almost here. I am filled with trepidation and doubt today.

Monday, September 24, 2007


I broke down and got cold weather running gear. I had to bundle up for Saturday's long run which was only about 15 miles. We have a 20 miler this coming Saturday and then we taper off. I can't believe it is almost time. It has gone by so quickly. I don't like the new shoes I am in. I miss my old ones. I scrounged around online to see if I could find a pair of the Mizuno's. The company discontinued the shoe I was initially wearing. I managed to find one pair in my size and ordered them. I am hoping they will be here by the end of the week so I can run in them Saturday.

This last week I had a hard time staying motivated to run. Between the rain and cold weather, having a cold and switching my running time from first thing in the morning to about 7 in the evening I hit a wall and really didn't want to run at all. I am still feeling a bit unmotivated and I am hoping the motivation I have consistently had until now returns soon. Maybe it is a bit of fear too, fear of the end of this big push and the doubting of my ability to even complete the marathon successfully.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Fall has definately settled in. I need to get cold weather gear. I have been putting it off, not wanting to accept that it is fall now. I have been running in the rain, and while I didn't mind it so much in the summer, it has a chill to it now that I am not enjoying. Trying to fit my runs in tihs week has been a challenge, but I seem to be able to find odd times here and there.

I have a rotten cold and ended up not running on Tuesday. I was feverish and just felt like crap. The thought of running was just a bit much. I loaded up on Emergen C and feel tons better.

Last weekend's long run went well. I was officially on my own and the thought did cross my mind that this was my opportunity to just blow it off. I didn't, I got up before daybreak on Saturday, made it out the door and got in my miles.

My knees and the backs of my legs get achy at about the final third of my run. I am not sure if it is posture related or gait related. It isn't so much a tightening as it is a dull ache. It is similar to when you have been sitting too long in a kneeling position and when you stand you feel that ache in the back of your knees.

I can't believe the marathon is just a month away. I am so excited and terrified all at the same time. I fear I won't make it and finish. I am having dreams where I forget to show up or I show up and the marathon is already over.

I am already wondering what is next when this is all done. I don't want to stop running. I think I might take a couple weeks off and rest, but I want to keep running even though I am not a natural runner and I spend a lot of mental time talking myself and my body in to running. I have had too many benefits both physically and mentally to stop at this point.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September already!

I can't believe it is September already. It seems like it was just spring and I was contemplating running a Marathon. Now it is very official. I got my registration confirmation packet and I am good to go. We are having a beautiful fall. Temps will be in the 80's this week. Only the 2nd time since school was out in June that we have had this warm of days. I am thrilled.

The kids are settled in school and I am trying to figure out schedules and running times. Last week I ran in the mornings after dropping my oldest off at school. It felt so nice to run on a treadmill. While it is a little boring, it is so much easier than running on pavement or trails. And I can run much faster on a treadmill. I really like that! This week I will run at the highschool track in the evenings. My schedule is changing so I work early in the morning so I can get out of work by 3:45 to be home to meet my youngest off the bus. No more daycare. My boss is such a great guy. He has been so flexible and kind.

The long run this past Saturday was by far my best run since training began. It was also one of the longest. But I managed it well and ran all but 25 minutes of it. I did walk 3 hills and on the return route, walked a bit through our local farmer's market, picking up a nectarine to eat. Then I ran pretty hard the final 2.5 miles.
My legs recovered nicely, however yesterday's short run was the most difficult short run yet. My legs felt like spaghetti and were so fatigued at the end I felt like giving up. I managed to push through, but really had to convince myself to finish.
I feel ok this morning. My legs ache a little, but not near as much as I expected.

Today is a glorious day of rest.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's about time to update!!

I have been slacking off on journaling here. Training is going so well, perhaps that is why. When there is nothing to whine about, I don't feel like typing a blog entry? I don't know...

I think summer has finally shown it's scarce face around here. It is supposed to get near 80 today. We have had mostly temps in the upper 60's to low 70's which makes for easy runs. And everyday has had a fairly significant cloud cover overhead.

My body is recovering well these days. I have upped my supplements and really managed my eating percentages of good fats, carbs and proteins. What a difference that makes.

I had been running the roads near our house in the mornings for my short runs, but suspended that when logging resumed in the nearby hills. The logging trucks scared me too much. They don't see me and they can't move off the roadways. And besides, they drive like there is a fire they need to get to. Not to mention all the debris flying off the logs.

I have been running in the evenings lately on the local high school track. This has been good for tempo running and to really pay attention to distance. This last week the football team has been out on the fields practicing. One evening last week a coach stopped me to inquire about my hat I was wearing and my running. His team ran a mile with me at the end of their practice to lend support for a good cause. It was such a great experience. The boys weren't too happy, and one asked if I was planning on being at the track every evening during their practice. Most took it in good humor though and cheered me on as they ran with their clacking gear alongside and behind me.

Last Saturday I was surprised to find out we were running a full 20 miles. We are ahead of schedule and the Nike team is running at the same pace the Portland team is running. I did it, and boy did I feel it after. I drove home, sat in an ice bath and was pretty sore for the next 24 hours. But I did it and I know I can do the full marathon. It might take me 5.5 hours to do the marathon, but I have faith in my body and myself. Faith that is new to me. I haven't felt this good about who I am and what my body can do since I was in my early 20's.

Somewhere between 26 or so and 44 I really lost sight of myself and my being. It is comforting to have found it again and to be able to revel in it.

I am listening to my body and it's needs as I train. I crave the oddest things and I indulge in them daily. Some things I crave regularly have been pineapple, avocados, blue cheese, honey, sweet potatoes, sweet red bell peppers, green beans, salmon, almonds, dark molasses, coconut and cantaloupe. I have been putting dark molasses and honey on my oatmeal. It is so scrumptious. I recently found out that cantaloupe, salmon and pineapple are nature's anti inflamatories. It is amazing what your body tells you if you are listening.

This weekend's long run is scheduled to be 16 miles. We shall see what we end up running. I am kind of hoping for a 16 miler.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Over due Update

Running is going very well again. My aches and pains are gone, my hip appears to be completely healed.

Saturday's long run was a bit lonely. I am the only TNT member that starts out really early to make sure to get my miles in. No one was there to meet me last Satruday. It felt sort of weird and I felt rather let down. I did get a great run in and felt accomplished when it was over. We added some mileage last week.

I have upped my protein intake and that seems to have really helped my recovery and fatigue.

We are still experiencing a very mild summer with cool temps in the morning. I have started bundling up a bit to run and end up taking half the stuff off partway through my run.

I am only $400.00 shy of my goal in fundraising. I am so excited!

Tomorrow evening our team is having a halfway celebration. I am really looking forward to attending. I feel sort of like I am out there all on my own these days.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Back from our trip

We are back from our few days at Newman Lake. It was just what I needed! I got plenty of hot sun, lake time, and down time. I needed that time to not have to worry about feeding anyone, and it was so nice to have so many people around to help keep an eye on my youngest.

I even managed to waterski!

I met with the Spokane Team In Training and got 14 miles in on Saturday morning. The heat sure makes a difference in running. I have been spoiled I guess by our cool summer. It was so meaningful to have my uncle there for the long run.

I rested yesterday and got a short run in this morning.

My hip issue seems to be completely gone and I am feeling much better about the running. I have upped my protein intake and that seems to have cured the recovery issue. Amazing what proper nutrition can do.

Time to get on with the day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

rush rush rush

It seems every day is a mad rush from morning to night. Especially this week as we get ready to head out for a few days. My runs this week seem to have hit a wall. I feel like I have never run before in my life. My lungs burn and my legs are fatigued. I am not recovering enough on my rest days since we upped the miles. I hope this levels out soon, because I really don't like this feeling.

However, when I was typing out a typical day for a blood cancer patient today, my whiney head seemed rather pathetic. I was doing up a little fact sheet for a fundraising lunch I gave today. I am happy to have raised $350.00 toward my goal of $3700.00. I am half way there in fundraising and at the half way point in training.

It was a momentous day all around.

Now the mad afternoon dash begins to get us all packed and on the road this evening.

I can't wait to run with the Spokane TNT on Saturday. My uncle is their inspirational spokesperson and kicks every Saturday run off. Saturday will be a truly special day for me.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today's team run was tough. I felt pretty fatigued the entire time. That's what I get for eating a blizzard yesterday. It made a huge impact. I haven't had one in a couple years and it will be at least that long before I consider another. I imagine my lack of sleep also played a role. Aaron and I went to the late showing of the new Harry Potter movie so we didn't get home until 1:15 AM. I had to be out the door this morning by 6:15. :/

We ran our standard course - Boulevard Park to Larabee and back. I love the interurban trail. My favorite leg of the trail is running through the dark damp woods of Arroyo. This morning I startled a mommy deer and her young. I am the only one now left in my time slot for our team. Everyone else seems to have disappeared. There is still a large group of fast runners, but I am the only turtle runner. I misst having a running partner. While I enjoy solitary time, having a partner keeps me going and is a great motivator.

I do have my Ipod and I spend the run fading in and out of memories brought on by the music I have. I run through the ever growing to do list and daydream a bit. It has become a nice type of meditation.

The one thing about running on the interurban is I run in to someone I know every weekend. A couple weeks ago it was my old dear college friend Nick and his wife. Today it was a former co-worker Lisa who has become an Iron Man Athlete. She is truly inspiring. We had a great 5 minute catch up.

My legs are starting to really tighten up. I better go get some good stretching in.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I can't believe it!

I missed my run this morning! I slept through the alarm. I was so upset with myself. I felt off all day. Tomorrow is a scheduled day off on the training calendar, but I need to make up today's missed run. So crazy I would do that.

Our sunshine and summer weather have returned. It feels wonderful.

I got a big donation this afternoon from my ex brother in law. That made my day. He and I had a great visit and caught up on life in general.

I am getting a good handle on the nutrition finally and am finding ways to make sure I am continually fueled through out my day. My co-workers laugh at me because it seems I am always eating. I bring a fair amount of fruits and raw veggies to work with me along with some nuts and seeds to nibble on through out the day. If I don't do that then I don't get enough calories in me and my runs suffer, and I drop weight that I shouldn't be dropping anymore.

I better head outside and weed the gardens.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Time to update

Last week I was feeling pretty defeated and rather down about the entire experience. I am sure my hip issues contributed. I only ran 2 short runs and the long run last week. I was out of sorts all week long and it was difficult to even get myself out the door to the long run. However, I am so glad I did. I really needed that group run. The team members are so inspiring and uplifting. I had a fantastic long run in the pouring rain. Our run follows such a gorgeous course with bay views of the San Juan Islands, deep woods and a jaunt through Fairhaven. It just doesn't get much better than that. My running partner was absent again and I am wondering if she has dropped out. I miss running with her on Saturdays. I ran on Sunday and took Monday off. I had a great run this morning and actually saw 3 other people out running. I normally only see very fast drivers who seem to be angry I am even on the road. I hate that. One of our neighbors is the worst of the bunch. He never moves his vehicle over in the lane, but races right close by me. I can feel the wind and heat from his big old redneck Ford.

Mentally I am feeling a little better this week, although our constant rain is getting to me, and it was exceptionally difficult to crawl out of bed at 5:50 this morning. I felt fantastic when the run was all said and done, so it is worth the effort. My hip is still tender, but at least I don't feel like I am going to fall down when I stand up.

The summer sun is supposed to return this afternoon. I sure hope so. I am longing for it. It was a very wet and very dreary winter, and I really need some sun to re-energize. I am very solar driven.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It appears I am working on developing an injury. Sunday I woke with a tight and very sore hip socket on the right side. I didn't run Sunday and I ended up not running on Monday either. This morning I felt could and didn't feel any tightness or ache so I ran. About 1/2 way in to my 5 miles I felt the twinge show up and I slowed to a walk for about 10 minutes before completing the run. It has been noticeable the rest of today. I will ice my hip tonite, work on some exercises given me by a PT to strengthen my lower back and take it easy tomorrow. I will at least walk tomorrow. It actually feels better if I am am up and moving. It is when I have been sedentary and then stand to move that it hurts. I feel slightly crippled. I am disappointed and must work through this.

Today I made arrangements to join the Spokane TNT for the long run when we are visiting in August. I am so excited since my Uncle is there for each group run.

People are finally starting to donate. I was getting worried but money has started trickling in finally!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Long Run

This week I have felt stalled. I set small little goals for myself and this past week I just couldn't seem to break the barrier to the next step. I felt a bit discouraged and like I was running up agains a brick wall. The heat wave didn't help much. I was up early and out the door by 6 AM running, but it was still over 70 and the humidity has been high. Today's run was the toughest yet. It was the longest distance and one of the hottest mornings. I did it. I finished the set distance in the set time frame and without my running partner. I missed her today. Having her alongside me makes those long runs go by quickly.

My hip really ached after the run, and my quads felt like over stretched rubbber bands. On the advice of my fellow marathoners I soaked my legs in ice cold water when I got home. I feel pretty good this evening and the achiness I had when I got home is gone.

I will get up and run tomorrow early - it is just a 30 minute run and then Monday I will take my day of rest.

I have been researching Yasso 800's and during our tempo training I have decided to run the Yasso 800 method. I am curious to see how accurate that notion is and if my 800 times can truly determine my marathon time.

More bright green envelopes showed up in my mailbox today. It gives me such shivers of excitement to see donations show up. It keeps me motivated and going.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Big Event this last Saturday

Saturday marked our Teams first actual event/race. I went 7 miles and it was so very doable. I felt great after and suffered no aches or soreness on Sunday. I am pleased with my time. The weather was perfect, the course beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a better event. I have discovered Clif Shot Bloks. They really helped on Saturday. They are easy to care and easy to consume.

I did take a day off on Sunday and ran today. I think I should have run on Sunday and taken today. Today's run was a bit rough. I felt breathless the entire time. I haven't felt like that since the very beginning. I feel sort of like I am at a stand still or huge plateau. I seem to be trodding along and not making it to the next step easily in increasing distance and time. I hope I reach a turning point soon. It feels rather discouraging to be 10 weeks in to training and feel like I am back in the first week.

I am worried about the fund raising part. Money is coming in so slowly and I am beginning to get worried that I am not going to make it financially. I don't want to let my family down. This has become a huge deal for all of us.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Easy Peasy

Today's run was fantastic. The morning air was just right. I had energy and stride this morning and pushed myself just enough. I went for a solid 60 minutes this morning. I walked the first 5, ran for 35, walked for 3 then ran the remaining 17 minutes and walked an extra minute to kind of cool down and got some good stretching in. The tightness in my calves was gone when I woke this morning and I really want to avoid having that again. Today I feel energized. These morning runs really set the tone for my day. As I ran this morning I wondered what life was going to be like after the marathon is over. This is just such a huge focal point right now, what happens when that focus is gone? I am a little worried about that.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Back to the weekly grind

Saturday was the long run. The trail we run was busy! There are several clubs training for the Bellingham Marathon in October so there was a ton of foot traffic. It gets a little distracting for me. For some reason my legs were super tight after the run and are still tight this morning. Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like a cripple. I haven't had trouble with my calves like this in the past. I stretched before and after and stretched yesterday too. I did my run this morning and increased my time to 50 minutes and will run 50 minutes all 4 days this week. Saturday is the Chuckanut Footrace. I am excited for my first official run! Hopefully my running partner's shin splints are healed by then. Those are so so painful.

The weather has improved dramatically and it is so nice to run in the morning sun instead of the constant patter of rain. I need to get a hat this week. The run back toward the house is directly in to the rising sun and it was tough on my eyes this morning.

I ordered Nancy Clark's Nutrition Guide for Marathon Runners. It was recommended on several sites and I really think I need a concrete guide to be able to read and follow. I am most worried right now about my nutrition and making sure I get adequate levels of carbs, protiens and fats. I want to be healthy and strong come October. I want to make sure I am adequately fueled for both the training and the marathon itself.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Glorious Day Of Rest

Barometric pressure was really low yesterday and I never found my happy place during my scheduled run. I usually hit it right at about the first 10-15 minutes. Yesterday it eluded me for 45 minutes. My body felt as if it were encased in cement running gear. I also had the beginnings of a migraine before my run. At least I managed to keep that at bay all day.

Today was a glorious day of rest. I slept in an extra hour this morning. It felt so good. I really needed it.

This week I have been ravenous. I am hungry all the time - not gaining weight - yet definately feeding my face. I am trying to make really good choices when it comes to eating so I keep healthy and my body gets stronger and reacts well to the increasing length and pace of my runs.

I am really worried about fundraising. This marathon is so important to me and to my family. I can't let anyone down. I am doing this not just for me, but for my inlaws. I love them so very much.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Catch Up

The Saturday Group run was really fantastic. I didn't want to get out of my warm bed and run that morning. It was pouring down rain and inside just seemed like a much nicer place to be. However, I dragged myself up and out the door and made it to Boulevard Park on time. The rain stopped, and the weather wasn't too terribly cold. The first half of the run is the most difficult. My running partner and I realized that the first half is a slight uphill grade for most of the way. The run on the switchback hill trails through Arroyo Park were a challenge and I really felt the burn in my quads. The trails were a bit slick and I slipped once. I discovered too, that when running when you step on a big fat slug they squish open just like a foil ketchup pack. My legs were adorned with slug guts. My lungs are really acclimating, my legs are taking longer to catch up and still get pretty fatigued.

Sunday I was supposed to run, but my legs were so wiped I took that as my day of rest and ran yesterday instead. My running time is lengthening and my walk time is decreasing. This really pleases me.

This morning I ran in sunshine. It felt so great. I need to get a baseball hat to sheild my eyes.

I have been working with a local title company and they are brainstorming with me for fundraising. They want to support me and they are looking in to a corporate sponsorship. Woo! The fundraising is the most difficult part of all this. I keep telling everyone I know. I have been sending out letters and am getting pretty brave at asking for money in a pretty direct fashion. I have to raise this money, the marathon is so important and has become such a huge factor in my life.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Nutrition and my day of rest

Tommorow is our big group run. I have 110 minute run. I am greatful for today's day of rest.
I am feeling a bit sleepy and lethargic today. We are socked in with a heavy mist and dark clouds which is supposed to last all weekend. I am so ready for summer. I don't really enjoy running in the rain. I do need to get a hat to sheild my eyes. The rain and my contacts don't play well together.

Last night we met with a nutritionist. She gave us a fantastic goody bag. It was very informative and helpful. I am not getting enough calories in me. I am lucky if I can make it over 1000 a day. I am just not hungry and after eating I feel like I had had a 10 course Thanksgiving Dinner. She gave me some good strategies to work on and some helpful tips. I need to make sure I getthe fuel my body is requiring or I won't make it. I also don't want to lose muscle mass. I do track my food intake each day. I am good about the percentages of fat/carbs and protiens. I just need to increase the calorie amounts.

I am learning so much. I want to keep running, long after I complete this marathon. I do think this is becoming a lifestyle.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Run Rabbit Run

This week's runs have been really rough. I haven't been able to really find my stride and each run has seemed terminally long. Tuesday night my youngest child was up all night. So Wednesday morning's run was after about 2 hours of sleep. I did feel great the rest of the day. This morning's run felt like it would never end. I kept watching the clock. I know I shouldn't do this. I have little tricks to keep myself from looking at the time. They failed me this morning. I think I was a bit dehydrated and under nourished this morning as well. Tomorrow is my day of rest.

I received an email from my ex mother in law. A close family member died recently. This morning I found out he had Leukemia. Now that I am part of TNT, leukemia seems to be everywhere. Just about everyone I talk to has been affected by a blood cancer in some way. I had no idea prior to this how prevalent blood cancers are.

Yesterday I received a little package in the mail from my mom. It was a fantastic TNT tank top. It will be perfect for running in during the hot summer months. The back says "Run Like A Girl". I just love it! It was a great surprise and really lifted my spirits.

I need to focus on fund raising. I am going to do this.

I really would love a long soak in a hot tub.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Time to get started

I have been meaning to take some time to start typing, but life tends to get away from me and the next thing I know it is time for bed. I have been officially in training for the Nike Women's Marathon since May 12th. I have been humming along, taking the runs in stride and feeling pretty great, until this weekend. This weekend was tough. Maybe the weather has something to do with it all. It was cold, windy and pouring down rain during my runs. Saturday's run was pretty good. I love my running team mates and my partner is great. She and I have perfectly matched strides. It makes those long Saturday runs go by quickly. I had an emotional Saturday afternoon. I just felt exhausted and off all day. I woke Sunday to cold dark skies and a deluge of rain. I really struggled through my run. I got it done, but it exhausted me. Normally after a run I feel great. My mood is elevated, I am filled with energy and ready to tackle the day head on. Not Sunday. I just couldn't move beyond the fatigue and cranky mood.
I had a general feeling of being completely overwhelmed all weekend long. I didn't handle it very well and for that I apologize to my family....

Today is our official day of rest and I took it. I often will do something other than run on the days off. Today I haven't exercised at all. My body really needed a down day.

I have my first 50 letters ready to mail out. I am nervous about the fund raising aspect of this journey I am undertaking. I have a couple of event ideas floating around in my head. I need them out of the idea stage and turned in to an action.

Tomorrow I will run. This week we are adding time to our planned runs.