Monday, September 10, 2007

September already!

I can't believe it is September already. It seems like it was just spring and I was contemplating running a Marathon. Now it is very official. I got my registration confirmation packet and I am good to go. We are having a beautiful fall. Temps will be in the 80's this week. Only the 2nd time since school was out in June that we have had this warm of days. I am thrilled.

The kids are settled in school and I am trying to figure out schedules and running times. Last week I ran in the mornings after dropping my oldest off at school. It felt so nice to run on a treadmill. While it is a little boring, it is so much easier than running on pavement or trails. And I can run much faster on a treadmill. I really like that! This week I will run at the highschool track in the evenings. My schedule is changing so I work early in the morning so I can get out of work by 3:45 to be home to meet my youngest off the bus. No more daycare. My boss is such a great guy. He has been so flexible and kind.

The long run this past Saturday was by far my best run since training began. It was also one of the longest. But I managed it well and ran all but 25 minutes of it. I did walk 3 hills and on the return route, walked a bit through our local farmer's market, picking up a nectarine to eat. Then I ran pretty hard the final 2.5 miles.
My legs recovered nicely, however yesterday's short run was the most difficult short run yet. My legs felt like spaghetti and were so fatigued at the end I felt like giving up. I managed to push through, but really had to convince myself to finish.
I feel ok this morning. My legs ache a little, but not near as much as I expected.

Today is a glorious day of rest.

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