Sunday, August 24, 2008

Long runs and weekends

Last week was one of those weeks that were go go go go. It was an up and out the door in the early morning and not get home until 9-10PM 3 out of 5 weeknights. By Friday I was wiped. I did get my runs in and by Saturday I no longer feel like I am running knee deep in water. Maybe I am turing a corner? Only time will tell.

Saturday was the most and longest stretch I have run at one time since I fell ill. It was a great easy pace, fabulous company and perfect weather. We went a bit over time, but it felt ok.

I spent the rest of the day on my feet hawking hot dogs for a good cause. We did ok. Not spectacular, but hey $ toward goal is $ toward goal. We got some honking horns and shouts of "Go Team", sad stories and triumphant stories.

When I woke this morning I was worried about soreness and tightness, but felt great all day. "

I am destined to be a very slow runner - always I think. I am ok with that. I get passed by most runners. I just keep plodding along. My goal is the finish. My purpose is to honor those that have had their lives turned upside down by a blood cancer.

I found a quote today that sums it all up for me. "The race doesn't always go to the swiftest or the fastest it goes to the one who keeps on running. "

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