Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Winter Running

I am back to a more normalized running schedule finally. Does it ever feel good. It makes such a difference in my day to day outlook and approach to life in general. I don't ever want to have to give this up.

Yesterday was a snow day around here for the kids. We were all home bound. I ran for the first time in my life in the snow. It was wonderful. Out where I live it was quiet and peaceful. I could hear the river, feel the snow flakes stinging against my cheeks as I ran and the quiet was incredible. I loved it. I ran about 3.5 miles. No Ipod, just the quiet of the snow to accompany the sound of my foot fall on the soft snow.

Today we are back to our regular rain.

My toes haven't bothered me yet, which is so encouraging.

Our official Team In Training Kickoff is this Saturday. Our team is very small. A total of 4 marathoners in addition to myself and one of our honored patients that is hoping to do the half in Alaska with us.

I am really looking forward to this training season. I got my fund raising web page all set up and will start actively fund raising this coming week. The Team In Training Logo on this site will take people directly to the donation site.

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