Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kick Off and More

It was supposed to be cloudy and a bit snowy yesterday. Instead the skies were clear and it was just absolutely gorgeous. We had our official TNT Kick Off yesterday morning. The run before hand was great. Mo led us and she is a riot and really great to run with. I just loved it. As usual the runners - all those long legged tall people cruised on ahead of me and I had a solitary run. The crisp cool air was perfect as was the scenery. Mo would periodically run back and high five me or turn around and shout out at me. There were a couple walkers from TNT behind me.

The majority of the TNT team this year is for the 2 Tri races. I think at this point we have 8 marathoners. 3 new people signed up at Kick Off.

I am really excited for the season.

I will have a short run today before the Super Bowl and then tomorrow I am taking a Yoga Class. My toes are a little tender this morning.

This is the worst part of the year for me. February is the longest month in my mind and it is the point where I am so tired of winter and short cold rainy days. The crocus are starting to poke through and I see the buds fattening on the cherry trees. Yesterday there was a Robin in our yard. This makes it difficutlt to have patience for spring and summer - the time when I feel best and most alive.


Yahpee said...

You're doing so great! Ugh, I'm a slower runner too and all the long legged ones pass me all the time also..

I'm usually one of the last ones in and finally decided I'd start my long runs with the walkers so I can finish with the runners.. lol.

We do what we must..

Anonymous said...

Hey Carol--a runner, are you! I'm a bicyclist among other things. Dunno which of us gets the best workout! Probably you.

Just happened to find your blog today from an email list signature. I'm sure I'd better do the same thing.
