Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's been like forever....

I haven't been running much, so I haven't been posting on here. I have injured feet/toes and so running has been very sporadic. I rest, then start running and then have to stop again. I have soft tissue damage on the end of my toes and running is aggravating it. The only cure is rest. They feel good right now. I ran once this week. I have been swimming, but it isn't the same. I dont' get the same adrenaline and over all emotional satisfaction from it. I am a strong swimmer and I know that it is a great all over body workout.

I am a bit worried that my feet problems are going to sideline me for the Mayor's Marathon. This marathon is a bigger deal than the first marathon. I am hoping to reconnect with a childhood friend. She is in Anchorage and our friendship ended after a tragic event came to light in her life.

Next week I will try running again and we shall see how it goes.

I am very excited to be a team captain for Team In Training this go around. Our kickoff even is Feb 2. I am really looking forward to the season and the new team. I love that part of training.

1 comment:

Yahpee said...

Hope your foot is doing better... I had some foot problems right after completing my first half marathon- so I feel your pain..

Yey for getting involved with Team in Training like that!