Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today's team run was tough. I felt pretty fatigued the entire time. That's what I get for eating a blizzard yesterday. It made a huge impact. I haven't had one in a couple years and it will be at least that long before I consider another. I imagine my lack of sleep also played a role. Aaron and I went to the late showing of the new Harry Potter movie so we didn't get home until 1:15 AM. I had to be out the door this morning by 6:15. :/

We ran our standard course - Boulevard Park to Larabee and back. I love the interurban trail. My favorite leg of the trail is running through the dark damp woods of Arroyo. This morning I startled a mommy deer and her young. I am the only one now left in my time slot for our team. Everyone else seems to have disappeared. There is still a large group of fast runners, but I am the only turtle runner. I misst having a running partner. While I enjoy solitary time, having a partner keeps me going and is a great motivator.

I do have my Ipod and I spend the run fading in and out of memories brought on by the music I have. I run through the ever growing to do list and daydream a bit. It has become a nice type of meditation.

The one thing about running on the interurban is I run in to someone I know every weekend. A couple weeks ago it was my old dear college friend Nick and his wife. Today it was a former co-worker Lisa who has become an Iron Man Athlete. She is truly inspiring. We had a great 5 minute catch up.

My legs are starting to really tighten up. I better go get some good stretching in.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I can't believe it!

I missed my run this morning! I slept through the alarm. I was so upset with myself. I felt off all day. Tomorrow is a scheduled day off on the training calendar, but I need to make up today's missed run. So crazy I would do that.

Our sunshine and summer weather have returned. It feels wonderful.

I got a big donation this afternoon from my ex brother in law. That made my day. He and I had a great visit and caught up on life in general.

I am getting a good handle on the nutrition finally and am finding ways to make sure I am continually fueled through out my day. My co-workers laugh at me because it seems I am always eating. I bring a fair amount of fruits and raw veggies to work with me along with some nuts and seeds to nibble on through out the day. If I don't do that then I don't get enough calories in me and my runs suffer, and I drop weight that I shouldn't be dropping anymore.

I better head outside and weed the gardens.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Time to update

Last week I was feeling pretty defeated and rather down about the entire experience. I am sure my hip issues contributed. I only ran 2 short runs and the long run last week. I was out of sorts all week long and it was difficult to even get myself out the door to the long run. However, I am so glad I did. I really needed that group run. The team members are so inspiring and uplifting. I had a fantastic long run in the pouring rain. Our run follows such a gorgeous course with bay views of the San Juan Islands, deep woods and a jaunt through Fairhaven. It just doesn't get much better than that. My running partner was absent again and I am wondering if she has dropped out. I miss running with her on Saturdays. I ran on Sunday and took Monday off. I had a great run this morning and actually saw 3 other people out running. I normally only see very fast drivers who seem to be angry I am even on the road. I hate that. One of our neighbors is the worst of the bunch. He never moves his vehicle over in the lane, but races right close by me. I can feel the wind and heat from his big old redneck Ford.

Mentally I am feeling a little better this week, although our constant rain is getting to me, and it was exceptionally difficult to crawl out of bed at 5:50 this morning. I felt fantastic when the run was all said and done, so it is worth the effort. My hip is still tender, but at least I don't feel like I am going to fall down when I stand up.

The summer sun is supposed to return this afternoon. I sure hope so. I am longing for it. It was a very wet and very dreary winter, and I really need some sun to re-energize. I am very solar driven.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It appears I am working on developing an injury. Sunday I woke with a tight and very sore hip socket on the right side. I didn't run Sunday and I ended up not running on Monday either. This morning I felt could and didn't feel any tightness or ache so I ran. About 1/2 way in to my 5 miles I felt the twinge show up and I slowed to a walk for about 10 minutes before completing the run. It has been noticeable the rest of today. I will ice my hip tonite, work on some exercises given me by a PT to strengthen my lower back and take it easy tomorrow. I will at least walk tomorrow. It actually feels better if I am am up and moving. It is when I have been sedentary and then stand to move that it hurts. I feel slightly crippled. I am disappointed and must work through this.

Today I made arrangements to join the Spokane TNT for the long run when we are visiting in August. I am so excited since my Uncle is there for each group run.

People are finally starting to donate. I was getting worried but money has started trickling in finally!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Long Run

This week I have felt stalled. I set small little goals for myself and this past week I just couldn't seem to break the barrier to the next step. I felt a bit discouraged and like I was running up agains a brick wall. The heat wave didn't help much. I was up early and out the door by 6 AM running, but it was still over 70 and the humidity has been high. Today's run was the toughest yet. It was the longest distance and one of the hottest mornings. I did it. I finished the set distance in the set time frame and without my running partner. I missed her today. Having her alongside me makes those long runs go by quickly.

My hip really ached after the run, and my quads felt like over stretched rubbber bands. On the advice of my fellow marathoners I soaked my legs in ice cold water when I got home. I feel pretty good this evening and the achiness I had when I got home is gone.

I will get up and run tomorrow early - it is just a 30 minute run and then Monday I will take my day of rest.

I have been researching Yasso 800's and during our tempo training I have decided to run the Yasso 800 method. I am curious to see how accurate that notion is and if my 800 times can truly determine my marathon time.

More bright green envelopes showed up in my mailbox today. It gives me such shivers of excitement to see donations show up. It keeps me motivated and going.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Big Event this last Saturday

Saturday marked our Teams first actual event/race. I went 7 miles and it was so very doable. I felt great after and suffered no aches or soreness on Sunday. I am pleased with my time. The weather was perfect, the course beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a better event. I have discovered Clif Shot Bloks. They really helped on Saturday. They are easy to care and easy to consume.

I did take a day off on Sunday and ran today. I think I should have run on Sunday and taken today. Today's run was a bit rough. I felt breathless the entire time. I haven't felt like that since the very beginning. I feel sort of like I am at a stand still or huge plateau. I seem to be trodding along and not making it to the next step easily in increasing distance and time. I hope I reach a turning point soon. It feels rather discouraging to be 10 weeks in to training and feel like I am back in the first week.

I am worried about the fund raising part. Money is coming in so slowly and I am beginning to get worried that I am not going to make it financially. I don't want to let my family down. This has become a huge deal for all of us.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Easy Peasy

Today's run was fantastic. The morning air was just right. I had energy and stride this morning and pushed myself just enough. I went for a solid 60 minutes this morning. I walked the first 5, ran for 35, walked for 3 then ran the remaining 17 minutes and walked an extra minute to kind of cool down and got some good stretching in. The tightness in my calves was gone when I woke this morning and I really want to avoid having that again. Today I feel energized. These morning runs really set the tone for my day. As I ran this morning I wondered what life was going to be like after the marathon is over. This is just such a huge focal point right now, what happens when that focus is gone? I am a little worried about that.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Back to the weekly grind

Saturday was the long run. The trail we run was busy! There are several clubs training for the Bellingham Marathon in October so there was a ton of foot traffic. It gets a little distracting for me. For some reason my legs were super tight after the run and are still tight this morning. Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like a cripple. I haven't had trouble with my calves like this in the past. I stretched before and after and stretched yesterday too. I did my run this morning and increased my time to 50 minutes and will run 50 minutes all 4 days this week. Saturday is the Chuckanut Footrace. I am excited for my first official run! Hopefully my running partner's shin splints are healed by then. Those are so so painful.

The weather has improved dramatically and it is so nice to run in the morning sun instead of the constant patter of rain. I need to get a hat this week. The run back toward the house is directly in to the rising sun and it was tough on my eyes this morning.

I ordered Nancy Clark's Nutrition Guide for Marathon Runners. It was recommended on several sites and I really think I need a concrete guide to be able to read and follow. I am most worried right now about my nutrition and making sure I get adequate levels of carbs, protiens and fats. I want to be healthy and strong come October. I want to make sure I am adequately fueled for both the training and the marathon itself.