Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's about time to update!!

I have been slacking off on journaling here. Training is going so well, perhaps that is why. When there is nothing to whine about, I don't feel like typing a blog entry? I don't know...

I think summer has finally shown it's scarce face around here. It is supposed to get near 80 today. We have had mostly temps in the upper 60's to low 70's which makes for easy runs. And everyday has had a fairly significant cloud cover overhead.

My body is recovering well these days. I have upped my supplements and really managed my eating percentages of good fats, carbs and proteins. What a difference that makes.

I had been running the roads near our house in the mornings for my short runs, but suspended that when logging resumed in the nearby hills. The logging trucks scared me too much. They don't see me and they can't move off the roadways. And besides, they drive like there is a fire they need to get to. Not to mention all the debris flying off the logs.

I have been running in the evenings lately on the local high school track. This has been good for tempo running and to really pay attention to distance. This last week the football team has been out on the fields practicing. One evening last week a coach stopped me to inquire about my hat I was wearing and my running. His team ran a mile with me at the end of their practice to lend support for a good cause. It was such a great experience. The boys weren't too happy, and one asked if I was planning on being at the track every evening during their practice. Most took it in good humor though and cheered me on as they ran with their clacking gear alongside and behind me.

Last Saturday I was surprised to find out we were running a full 20 miles. We are ahead of schedule and the Nike team is running at the same pace the Portland team is running. I did it, and boy did I feel it after. I drove home, sat in an ice bath and was pretty sore for the next 24 hours. But I did it and I know I can do the full marathon. It might take me 5.5 hours to do the marathon, but I have faith in my body and myself. Faith that is new to me. I haven't felt this good about who I am and what my body can do since I was in my early 20's.

Somewhere between 26 or so and 44 I really lost sight of myself and my being. It is comforting to have found it again and to be able to revel in it.

I am listening to my body and it's needs as I train. I crave the oddest things and I indulge in them daily. Some things I crave regularly have been pineapple, avocados, blue cheese, honey, sweet potatoes, sweet red bell peppers, green beans, salmon, almonds, dark molasses, coconut and cantaloupe. I have been putting dark molasses and honey on my oatmeal. It is so scrumptious. I recently found out that cantaloupe, salmon and pineapple are nature's anti inflamatories. It is amazing what your body tells you if you are listening.

This weekend's long run is scheduled to be 16 miles. We shall see what we end up running. I am kind of hoping for a 16 miler.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Over due Update

Running is going very well again. My aches and pains are gone, my hip appears to be completely healed.

Saturday's long run was a bit lonely. I am the only TNT member that starts out really early to make sure to get my miles in. No one was there to meet me last Satruday. It felt sort of weird and I felt rather let down. I did get a great run in and felt accomplished when it was over. We added some mileage last week.

I have upped my protein intake and that seems to have really helped my recovery and fatigue.

We are still experiencing a very mild summer with cool temps in the morning. I have started bundling up a bit to run and end up taking half the stuff off partway through my run.

I am only $400.00 shy of my goal in fundraising. I am so excited!

Tomorrow evening our team is having a halfway celebration. I am really looking forward to attending. I feel sort of like I am out there all on my own these days.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Back from our trip

We are back from our few days at Newman Lake. It was just what I needed! I got plenty of hot sun, lake time, and down time. I needed that time to not have to worry about feeding anyone, and it was so nice to have so many people around to help keep an eye on my youngest.

I even managed to waterski!

I met with the Spokane Team In Training and got 14 miles in on Saturday morning. The heat sure makes a difference in running. I have been spoiled I guess by our cool summer. It was so meaningful to have my uncle there for the long run.

I rested yesterday and got a short run in this morning.

My hip issue seems to be completely gone and I am feeling much better about the running. I have upped my protein intake and that seems to have cured the recovery issue. Amazing what proper nutrition can do.

Time to get on with the day!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

rush rush rush

It seems every day is a mad rush from morning to night. Especially this week as we get ready to head out for a few days. My runs this week seem to have hit a wall. I feel like I have never run before in my life. My lungs burn and my legs are fatigued. I am not recovering enough on my rest days since we upped the miles. I hope this levels out soon, because I really don't like this feeling.

However, when I was typing out a typical day for a blood cancer patient today, my whiney head seemed rather pathetic. I was doing up a little fact sheet for a fundraising lunch I gave today. I am happy to have raised $350.00 toward my goal of $3700.00. I am half way there in fundraising and at the half way point in training.

It was a momentous day all around.

Now the mad afternoon dash begins to get us all packed and on the road this evening.

I can't wait to run with the Spokane TNT on Saturday. My uncle is their inspirational spokesperson and kicks every Saturday run off. Saturday will be a truly special day for me.