Friday, November 14, 2008

Twice in one week

Wow. I am actually updating twice in one week. This week has been very stressful on the family front. Running has been a God Send. Last night I made my way over to the local highschool at about 4:30 PM and ran 5 miles at a pace that is much quicker than I run on average. I got 5 miles in in 52 minutes. This is pretty unheard of for me. I just ran round and round and round without giving thought to anything. I just let my mind go blank, zoned in on my ipod and let my feet fly. It has to have been the easiest run yet. I really needed it. It was eerie running in the dark. There was just enough light from the nearby parking lot to see the lines on the track. Because fall sports are over, they are not lighting the track anymore. I felt safe and I am glad to know I can see enough to run. I really want a treadmill for home, but so far I have not found one on Craigslist that I can afford. So running in the dark at the highschool will continue for now.

Tomorrow our group run is 250 minutes. That should put us at about 18 miles. It seems like our long runs have upped in mileage much faster than I remember doing the first time around. I just hope the migraine I have had for 3 days is gone by tomorrow morning.

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