Monday, January 26, 2009

New Season Begins

Sunday night was a get together for Team In Training Alum. It was great fun. Saturday is the official kick off for the summer marathon season. I will run the first ever Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I feel like I am cheating by running only the half. Sort of like I am being a total slacker.

My Dr. says NO MORE full marathons for at least a year. So, half it is. Because of my illness the recovery is a little tougher with the healing of my feet.

We did find out at our meeting that the London Marathon is on the books for our area in 2010. Wouldn't that be something.

I have run only a couple times since WDW. I hate to admit it, but I am having a Lupus flare, so running is extra painful in my feet and hands in this cold weather. It won't stop me, but it does slow me down.

The best part about this season is I have no fundraising requirement. Such a relief.

1 comment:

LondonLife said...

I wish you good luck with your running. Myself I read with envy at your athletic ability, my brother is similar and runs so many marathons he's become obsessed. It's impressive and I wish you luck with it all, especially the knees xx