Wednesday, August 1, 2007

rush rush rush

It seems every day is a mad rush from morning to night. Especially this week as we get ready to head out for a few days. My runs this week seem to have hit a wall. I feel like I have never run before in my life. My lungs burn and my legs are fatigued. I am not recovering enough on my rest days since we upped the miles. I hope this levels out soon, because I really don't like this feeling.

However, when I was typing out a typical day for a blood cancer patient today, my whiney head seemed rather pathetic. I was doing up a little fact sheet for a fundraising lunch I gave today. I am happy to have raised $350.00 toward my goal of $3700.00. I am half way there in fundraising and at the half way point in training.

It was a momentous day all around.

Now the mad afternoon dash begins to get us all packed and on the road this evening.

I can't wait to run with the Spokane TNT on Saturday. My uncle is their inspirational spokesperson and kicks every Saturday run off. Saturday will be a truly special day for me.

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