Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Running and Burnout

It has been one month since the marathon. I am a little disappointed in our team. We were supposed to have a victory party locally and it never happened. Now with the rush of the holiday season it seems that it will probably never occur. I would have loved to get together one final time to put closure on this big adventure.

I have been feeling a bit let down, and running has been sporadic. My heart and soul haven't been in it lately. I have been running - making myself run at least 3 times a week, but the joy has been absent. I feel great after, but it is a bit different. I am sure it is burnout.

I have added a little bit of cross training to see if that helps. I have been biking, rowing, and yesterday was so gorgeous I walked outside for a little over an hour.

Friday I am going to see if I can get a decent long run in on the Inter Urban trail while my son has his final drive for driver's ed. That will give me an hour to run outside in the cold sun. I am looking forward to it.

I feel like I am floundering a bit without a huge specific goal in front of me, and with no set training schedule or group to keep me motivated. I have not always been so good at the self motivation thing.

I signed up for our local Jingle Bell Run on Dec. 7. It is a 4 mile quick run. I am hoping that will put the joy back in my steps.

1 comment:

Yahpee said...

Huge Kudos to you for getting back out there...

I am already wondering if I'll be able to keep running on my own once Team in Training is over...