Friday, June 22, 2007

Nutrition and my day of rest

Tommorow is our big group run. I have 110 minute run. I am greatful for today's day of rest.
I am feeling a bit sleepy and lethargic today. We are socked in with a heavy mist and dark clouds which is supposed to last all weekend. I am so ready for summer. I don't really enjoy running in the rain. I do need to get a hat to sheild my eyes. The rain and my contacts don't play well together.

Last night we met with a nutritionist. She gave us a fantastic goody bag. It was very informative and helpful. I am not getting enough calories in me. I am lucky if I can make it over 1000 a day. I am just not hungry and after eating I feel like I had had a 10 course Thanksgiving Dinner. She gave me some good strategies to work on and some helpful tips. I need to make sure I getthe fuel my body is requiring or I won't make it. I also don't want to lose muscle mass. I do track my food intake each day. I am good about the percentages of fat/carbs and protiens. I just need to increase the calorie amounts.

I am learning so much. I want to keep running, long after I complete this marathon. I do think this is becoming a lifestyle.

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