Friday, June 29, 2007

Glorious Day Of Rest

Barometric pressure was really low yesterday and I never found my happy place during my scheduled run. I usually hit it right at about the first 10-15 minutes. Yesterday it eluded me for 45 minutes. My body felt as if it were encased in cement running gear. I also had the beginnings of a migraine before my run. At least I managed to keep that at bay all day.

Today was a glorious day of rest. I slept in an extra hour this morning. It felt so good. I really needed it.

This week I have been ravenous. I am hungry all the time - not gaining weight - yet definately feeding my face. I am trying to make really good choices when it comes to eating so I keep healthy and my body gets stronger and reacts well to the increasing length and pace of my runs.

I am really worried about fundraising. This marathon is so important to me and to my family. I can't let anyone down. I am doing this not just for me, but for my inlaws. I love them so very much.

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