Monday, July 9, 2007

Big Event this last Saturday

Saturday marked our Teams first actual event/race. I went 7 miles and it was so very doable. I felt great after and suffered no aches or soreness on Sunday. I am pleased with my time. The weather was perfect, the course beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a better event. I have discovered Clif Shot Bloks. They really helped on Saturday. They are easy to care and easy to consume.

I did take a day off on Sunday and ran today. I think I should have run on Sunday and taken today. Today's run was a bit rough. I felt breathless the entire time. I haven't felt like that since the very beginning. I feel sort of like I am at a stand still or huge plateau. I seem to be trodding along and not making it to the next step easily in increasing distance and time. I hope I reach a turning point soon. It feels rather discouraging to be 10 weeks in to training and feel like I am back in the first week.

I am worried about the fund raising part. Money is coming in so slowly and I am beginning to get worried that I am not going to make it financially. I don't want to let my family down. This has become a huge deal for all of us.

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